
Use the calculation below to estimate your soil or product needs. While these calculations are a useful tool to plan your project, it should be used as a tool for estimate purposes only.

There are other factors that can determine the amount of soil or product you may need. For more assistance, please contact our sales department for a more precise quote.

Cubic Yard & Ton Calculations

  • Cubic Yard = 27 Cubic Feet
  • One Ton = 18 Cubic Feet
  • One Tone Covers Approx. 100 Sq Ft @ 2” Deep
  • 1.5 Ton = One Cubic Yard (27 Cubic Feet)
  • Sq Ft = L x W
  • L x W /100 = How many tons you need for ¾ size stone
  • Area triangle 90 degrees = ½ x L x W
  • Volume = L x W x H

Stone Sand & Gravel Approximations

Based on 1 ton of product

100 SQ FT 1.5″ – 2″ 3/8″ or 3/4″ Stone
80 SQ FT 1.5 – 2″ 3/8″ or 3/4″ Stone
70 SQ FT 2″ – 3″ 3/8″ or 3/4″ Stone
60 SQ FT 3″ – 4″ 3/8″ or 3/4″ Stone
50 SQ FT 4″ – 5″ 3/8″ or 3/4″ Stone
80 SQ FT 2″ Crusher Run & Stone Dust
50 SQ FT Single Layer 12 Minus Rip Rap
125 SQ FT 1″ Sand

Topsoil & Mulch

Based on 1 square yard of product

100 SQ FT 3″ Topsoil
100 SQ FT 3″ Mulch

To determine the exact amount of product you may need, please call our sales department at 302-629-5737 for a more precise quote or send an email below.